Posted on: 2020-11-16 17:42:02 by davidof

Skiing the last days of summer

Today has a distinct wintery feel to it. Snow is on the mountains down to 1600 meters and a cold north wind is blowing but we've just had a perfect month of Indian Summer. As many will know, due to the lockdown, sports activities are limited to 1km/1hr in France . With that in mind I worked out a little urban rollerskiing loop with some ups and downs (a bit like life under the confinement) to train on as well as potholes, draining grilles and curbs. The tarmac is very hard so the points don't bite much when polling hence I'm not really letting go of the poles at the end (they would slide across the ground). So don't take this as a style to copy but more one to cope with the conditions as I found them.
